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2024-25 Digital Learning & Google Agreement
By completing the following online form we agree to all the terms outlined in the Digital Learning Tool Initiative. Family agreement to the terms of the Digital Learning Initiative will be completed prior to receiving a device. PLEASE COMPLETE A SEPARATE AGREEMENT FORM FOR EACH CHILD.
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Grade (# only) *
Parent/Guardian Name *
The Protection Plan - Check the protection plan offered to your child for device protection in and out of school. *
We understand that if we elect to NOT PARTICIPATE in the protection plan, we may be required to pay for damages incurred. (Not applicable for PREK-1) *
We understand the protection plan DOES NOT cover: Damage incurred to a device if the case is removed or school issued bag (grades 7-9) is not used. 

Damage to the protective case, screen protector, cord, or adapter are NOT covered. 

We also understand intentional damage is the responsibility of all student/families in all grades. 
Digital Learning Initiative Agreement *
Yes, we agree that we have read, understood, and agreed to the stipulations set forth in the following Digital Learning Initiative Agreements: Digital Learning Tool Policy, The Digital Learning Tool Protection Plan (10.1), Student/Parent Pledge for Digital Learning Tool Use (10.2), Digital Learning Tool Network Acceptable Use Policy (10.3)Google for Education Email Contract (10.4)
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