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Registration form for Panya Project
This form is for volunteers who want to stay at Panya Project
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Panya Community March 2019
from left to right: Ela, Nam and Mod with Aru
First and Middle Name *
Family Name *
Preferred Name/Nickname *
Email Address *
(Please be sure that email address is correct as we will contact you by this way)
Nationality *
Age *
Passport Number *
Please indicate your preferred month's of volunteering *
(In case you know the arrival date please go to the next question)
Arrival Date
(The Volunteering begins regularly on Monday's.)
Planned length of your stay *
( Number of weeks)
Typ of Volunteering
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Do you have any allergy or diet requirement that we should know?
Please tell us about you *
(ex: Do you have any experience in other projects similar to Panya?)
What do you expect from your stay at Panya Project? *
(We want to be sure you do not get disappointed :) )
Other comments or remarks
(for example if you have a blog or website you can leave it here, we will be happy to take a look and to know more about you)
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