1.Registration to join the Whatsapp travel group (Only Road trip enthusiasts from Hyderabad).
2.Spammers,promoters and time passers  please stay away. We follow strict rules. You will be out in a day.
3.Purpose of the group is to travel together and share the ideas.
4.Only for the people who are passionate about road trips in cars.

Information about our previous drives.

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India-Drive  Meetup
Hyderabad to Koilsagar
Name *
Mobile Number *
What according to you the is best place to drive from Hyderabad? *
Example: Nagarjuna Sagar
Nearest beach to Hyderabad? *
What is your favourite Indian car? *
Example : VW Polo
Highest selling vehicle(4 wheeler) in India *
Name of the car that you own? *
Please mention correct details . If you don't own, answer it as "None".Example: Swift
Profession? *
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