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Erasmus+ project - Motivation letter
„Ostvarivanje očekivanja međupredmetnih tema kroz stručnu praksu u agroturizmu /
Realizing the expectations of cross-curricular topics through vocational training in agrotourism“

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1. Please  provide a brief description of yourself. *
2. Why would you like to take part in this project? *
3. What do you expect from this vocational training in Italy? What would you like to learn? *
4. Are you ready to participate in all project activities: before, during and after the mobility? Are you ready to activly participate in project preparations every week? *
5. What do you find particularly interesting in your profession? In what kind of facility would you like to do an internship? *
6. Why should we choose you for this mobility? How can you contribute to the project team? *
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