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Application for role of CTO (Salary - 150k - 250k monthly)
Please read the details here to learn more about what we are trying to build and the product the CTO would be working on
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Name *
Phone number *
Email *
Where in Lagos do you live *
Age *
Sex *
How many years  of programming experience *
What projects have you worked on (please put urls, and a clear description of the project, what part of the project you worked on and whether you were on a team) mention as many as possible *
List the programming languages where you possess High level to mid level proficiency in order of your expertise (DO NOT MENTION LANGUAGES WHERE YOU ARE NOT VERY PROFICIENT) *
Which of this best describes your set of programming skills *
Describe in less than 1000 words how you would go about building a product like (general description of products, description product flow and conceptualisation) *
You have a budget of $1000 to build a site similar to how would you go about it and what developers/languages would you employ (please think carefully) *
Have you ever lead a team of developers before *
What strategies would you consider taking in order to build virality into an online learning platform such as prepclass (e.g how would you go about gamifying it, what virality strategies would you infuse into the product itself...) *
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