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DeepLearning.AI Event Survey
Dear learners,

Your opinion is incredibly important to us!

We are constantly striving to improve our events and provide experiences that are both enjoyable and beneficial to you. To help us better understand your preferences and enhance our future events, we kindly ask you to participate in a short survey.

Thank you in advance for your time and input. We look forward to meeting you at one of our future events!

The DeepLearning.AI team 

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How often do you attend any online AI events? *
How often do you attend any in-person AI events? *
Are there any AI events you consider must-attend? If so, why?  *
How many DeepLearning.AI events have you attended so far? *
If you have attended at least one DeepLearning.AI event, which event did you like the most and why? (Or, if, unfortunately, you didn't enjoy the event, please also let us know how we can improve!)  *
What type of events do you prefer? ( Select all that apply) *
What kind of events would you like to see more often from DeepLearning.AI in the future? (Select all that apply)
What aspects of events do you find most valuable? (Select all that apply)
Do you have any suggestions or comments for future events by DeepLearning.AI?
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