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veadotube labs -- interest form
veadotube (both mini and the full version) has been mostly developed in silence, esp for the past year, but if you ever wanted to peek into development builds for both versions, this form is for you!
this is also a way for us to preview builds and test them with other people, so as to make sure the app works for everyone, in every system and scenario we're willing to support.
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your discord username
we're using the veado discord server for this, so we'll be needing this info!
the invite is in the website -- no rush to join, though.
alternative contact info
please provide another way to contact you, in case we cannot find you on discord. e-mail is preferred!
a few disclaimers
everything you'll be writing in here will only be used for veadotube labs (which is just a cool name for "closed beta test", honestly), thus shared only between the veado devs and mods. needless to say we won't be using your data for anything else.
we'll be prioritising people based mostly on keeping it diverse (in terms of scenarios, platforms, systems, computers). we also won't be disclosing every selection criteria, or responding to every entry right away or at all.
this is not a patreon or a ko-fi membership, this is all free of charge -- meaning, donating to the project doesn't mean you're instantly being let in!
terms of use
also, please make sure you've read the veado TOS page, and that you agree with it, in order to continue.
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