Setting Up and Innovation System: Swiss Model for the Czech Republic?
The Embassy of Switzerland in cooperation with IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI has the pleasure to invite you to a seminar and a panel discussion entitled "Setting Up and Innovation System: Swiss Model for the Czech Republic?".

Švýcarsko je na světové špici ve vědě i inovacích. Spolupráce mezi veřejným a soukromým sektorem ve výzkumu zde funguje příkladně. Tento úspěch je dán reformami inovačního systému, které jsou průběžně po léta rozvíjeny. Česká republika je nyní v otázce nastavení a kultivace inovačního systému na dalším rozcestí. Rozhodnutí, která mají po delší době padnout, budou mít zásadní vliv na to, kterým směrem se Česko vydá. Inspirace a poučení z úspěšné země jsou tudíž na místě

Switzerland is a world leader in science and innovation. Cooperation between the public and private sectors in research works well. This success is a result of innovation system reforms that are being continuously cultivated for years. The Czech Republic stands in setting and cultivating innovation system on another crossroad. Decisions that have to be made after a long time will have a major impact on the direction in which the Czech Republic moves on. The inspiration and lessons learned from a successful country are therefore in place.

Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Time: 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. (registration of attendees from 1:30 p.m.)
Venue: CERGE-EI, Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1

Chaired by:  Daniel Münich, IDEA think-tank at CERGE-EI

Alexander Bieri, Roche
Martin Srholec, IDEA think tank at CERGE-EI
Martin Bunček, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Arnošt Marks, Research, Development and Innovation Council
Libor Kraus, Association of Research Organizations
Richard Kapsa, Sotio a.s.
Tomáš Jungwirth, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Zdeněk Hostomský, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences

The seminar and a discussion  will be followed by a reception.

The event will be held in English with simultaneous interpreting into Czech.

The event is part of Strategie AV21 of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

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