1) All students must have respect for teachers and fellow pupils, bullying of any kind is not acceptable and will lead to expulsion.
2) Fees must be paid on time and in full, please note fees are non-refundable / non transferable.
3) If a student undergoes any physical injury, please report it to the teacher before class.
4) The MACademy holds no responsibility for personal belongings.
5) Mobile phones cannot be used whilst in class.
6) Photos / video footage may be taken by The MACademy for social media etc. or for press / media if you have any issue with this please let us know.
7) I understand my mobile number will be used for text messages regarding information to do with rehearsals and events etc.
I understand that I will be added to a whatsapp notice board.
8) If your child shows any symptoms of COVID 19 they must not attend ANY CLASSES.
9) I have read The MACademy's data protection & child protection on