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STUNT Youth Camp 
Are you interested in cheer or stunt or both? Hi our names are Keara Mellon and Mason Farris! For our senior project we are putting on a clinic for girls who are interested in cheer or going into high school and trying out. There is a $5 dollar entry fee that will help next years team fundraise for trips and items to be bought for the team. If you are in 3rd grade through 8th grade we hope to see you there and expand your interested in cheer and a new sport called stunt!! Its on May 12th a Friday from 5-8 pm and we will be teaching routines from 5-730 and we encourage parents to come and watch their little kids perform from 7:45 - 8 pm to see what they learned. Super excited to you all there!!!
Name of parent 
Name of cheerleader
Contact info ( phone # or email) 
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