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"Alternative Methods for Life Changing" - Training Course
06/10/2019 - 20/10/2019
Training Course: Alternative Methods for Life Changing
Venue: Craiova, Romania
Host NGO: Development and Psychotherapy through Action Association - DePsi
Participating countries: Bulgaria, Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia, Poland and Romania.
Number of participants: 5 participants per organization.
Age limit: 18+, no age limit
Participation fee: 20 euro/person for the sending organization
Summary of the project:
The project involves 32 youth workers from 6 countries Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia in the European Union and partner countries in the program. Each organization will participate with 5 people, including 1 will be with fewer opportunities. The project focuses on development of skills and abilities in combating discrimination on grounds of equal opportunities and gender of domestic violence phenomena using THERAPEUTIC ARTS COMBINED. It aims at enabling participants to teach young people the principles of humanism, faith in the value of each person, the right to a life with dignity, self-determination and freedom of everyone to be and become everything you can.
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"Alternative Methods for Life Changing" - Training Course
Before continuing please keep in mind the dates of this project. We kindly ask you to check your holiday schedule, planned appointments, birthdays, weddings, working schedule, studies, exams and anything else that would create obstacles for your participation. *
Name *
Please fill in your full name.
Date of Birth *
Gender *
E-mail Address *
Facebook Link *
Phone Number (include the international dial code) *
Nationality *
City of Residence *
What is your motivation to participate in this project ? *
Do you have any specific interest in the topic of the project? Do you work in this field? *
How will you contribute to the project, and what can you share with the other participants? *
Do you have any experience in European Youth Projects? Please, describe it ! *
Do you have any other experience that could be useful for the project? Please, describe it ! *
Please indicate your level of English. If you know other languages, please indicate them and your level at the blank option. *
Do you have any allergy, chronic illness or regular medication that we should know about ? ( Note that it's not a choosing criteria, only for prevention of any emergency. Please don't hesitate to share it. ) *
Emergency Contact *
Please fill the Name, Relation and Phone number
Do you have any dietary restrictions? (vegetarian, vegan, halal, lactose intolerance etc.) *
Would you consider yourself as a person with fewer opportunities? If yes, please specify. *
Would you like to add anything else?
By filling this form, I agree that all information about me is true. I will meet all needs of the project on time and properly. Also, I am aware of that health insurance is on my own expenses and mandatory. *
By filling this form, I agree tо share the information provided here with the sending organization for the purpose of the project realization. *
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