The Devil Orders Takeout: 2015 survey
Hey! This survey is designed to help me change The Devil Orders Takeout for your improved consumption of magic, madness, and murder. I'd love it if you could take 5 minutes to answer these questions! Let me know on my blog contact page if you have any questions and I'll answer you ASAP. Thank you so much!
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How do you follow The Devil Orders Takeout?
Feel free to choose more than one option!
How often do you read the blog?
Pick an approximate average, no need to use any maths (the horror!)
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Are you our newsletter subscriber?
Newsletter subscribers receive a letter from me and bonus takeout right in their inbox every month or so.
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Which posts should I NOT post?
Feel free to choose more than one option! Basically, which of these do you not read or not comment on?
What things should I change about The Devil Orders Takeout?
Go crazy here! Is commenting and reading easy? Colour scheme, font types, gifs? Is anything terrible? TELL ME ALL.
Would you comment on a monthly recap post?
It will be called "dim summary" and include a roundup of my posts, your comments, other people's posts, and my writing, mostly.
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Which of these items would you be interested in for a giveaway?
Check as many as you want!
Would you comment on my blog if I didn't reply and visit back?
I reply to all comments and visit commenters' blogs/profiles/whatev if there's a link. Don't worry, I'm not going to stop, I just want to see whether it's effective engagement.
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Have I commented on your blog before?
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Who are you?
Check all that apply. I'm not stalking, I'm ... targeting my demographic. *nods*
What else would you like to see here?
I dunno, more blog parties and giveaways? Games and quizzes and infographics? Writing challenges, book reviews, book photography? MORE TAKEOUT?
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