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Shalom Philadelphia Leader Recommendation Form
This individual is applying for a Short Term Ministry Program or Internship with Chosen People Ministries. Your input will assist us in carefully considering this applicant’s qualifications for participating in a team ministry environment. Thank you for taking a few minutes to help us get to know this person better. Chosen People Ministries began in 1894 in Brooklyn, New York, when Rabbi Leopold Cohn accepted Jesus as Messiah and became gripped with the need to reach Jewish people with the Gospel. We remain dedicated to his passion for bringing the message of the Messiah to the worldwide Jewish community, one-on-one, heart to heart, home to home—through the most effective and creative means possible.
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First and Last Name of Applicant *
What is your relationship with the applicant? *
How long have you known the applicant? *
What is your assessment of the applicant in various areas:
Please rate from "Poor" to "Excellent"
Knowledge of the Bible: *
Burden for the lost: *
Burden for Jewish people: *
Teachability: *
Willingness to serve: *
Leadership ability: *
Following instructions: *
Relating to others: *
Flexibility: *
Adjusting to group dynamics: *
Ability to communicate: *
General appearance: *
General stamina: *
Emotional maturity: *
Cheerfulness: *
Patience: *
Dependability: *
Are there any reasons why you would not want to serve alongside this person in a cross-cultural, ministry environment?
What else do you want us to know about this applicant?
Your title
Your Name: *
Name of your congregation
Your Phone Number: *
Your E-mail address: *
Your street address (Street Address, City, State, ZIP Code): *
Today's Date: *
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