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SHARE/ TITLE IX and Freshman Orientation
81 responses
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What grade are you in at Ithaca College
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Did you attend your freshman orientation?
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Do you remember learning about SHARE
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If yes,  what is SHARE?
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How did you learn about SHARE, if you do know what it is?
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If you did not go to orientation, did you receive any information about sexual assault on campus, Title IX or SHARE?
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Do you know what resources are available to you on campus regarding sexual assault on campus?
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If you or someone you know was sexually assaulted on campus, would you know where and how to go about reporting this instance or seek counsel?
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Do you feel that you are being as educated on sexual assault, campus rape and Title IX as you can be?
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Did you read the email sent from the Title IX coordinator?
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Do you feel safe on campus?
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What more do you think can be done in terms of sexual assault education?
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