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Men's Health Survey
Are there areas in your life that you would like to learn about? HERO'S Alliance envisions a community where all people experience well-being and a sense of belonging. The intention of this brief survey is to gather feedback on what types of programs would best support a men's health initiative in the community. 
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Age Range *
Does Lac du Bonnet have the resources/services to support your health? Check the answer that best matches. 
Do not know
physical health
mental health
sense of connection
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Are there any barriers to accessing community-based services or activities for you? If so, what are they?
Topics of Interest
Would you be interested in learning about any of the following topics? 
No, not interested
Men's Physical Health
Men's Mental Health
Parenting & Fatherhood
Building healthy relationships & meaningful connections
Any specific topic(s) of physical health that you would be interested in knowing more about?
Any specific topic of mental health?
For example: anxiety, frustration, anger, problem solving, helpful & balanced thinking, trauma...etc.
Any specific topic of parenting & fatherhood?
Any specific topic of building healthy relationships and meaningful connections?
How would you be most comfortable attending events or activities for any of the topics above? 
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Is there a service, resource or activity that may be missing in our community?
Is there anything else you would like to add?
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