Sign the MIT Bystander Pledge!
This is a personal commitment to help keep people safe from sexual assault. The goal is to create an environment in which sexual assault is unacceptable and survivors are supported across campus.

In order to be a part of the solution, I will:

LEARN about sexual misconduct
Discuss among your community
Ask questions
Understand what consent is

THINK about how to make a positive impact
Examine personal attitudes that perpetuate rape myths
Consider the effect one action can have in your community
Identify situations in which sexual assault may occur

ACT in situations where consent has not or cannot be given
Check in with friends
Speak up when something doesn't feel right
Intervene as an active bystander

SUPPORT the people in my community
Listen with an open mind
Connect with resources at MIT and beyond
Follow up with people you care about
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Sign the pledge!
By filling in your name below, you agree with the above pledge and will make a conscious effort to live by it.
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