Student Survey by GMSTV 2015-also for teachers & administration
Hello students,
Please complete the following survey for GMSTV.
Thank you,
GMSTV & Mr. Sayer
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Are you a boy or girl? *
What grade/job are you in? *
Which elementary school did you go to? *
What is your favorite TV show? *
What is your favorite book?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite video game? *
What is your favorite thing to do with your free time? *
What do you want to be when you grew up? *
Favorite Band/music group *
Favorite web page *
What are your Favorite Apps? Pick top 3 *
Which electronic devices do you have? Check all that you use regularly. *
How much time do you spend on electronic devices for fun after school daily? (on average) *
How much time do you spend on electronic devices for homework after school daily? (on average) *
How much time do you spend on  homework after school daily? (on average) *
I would rather have a mac or pc *
I would rather have an... *
My favorite type of music is *
my favorite pro football team *
my favorite pro baseball team *
my favorite pro soccer team *
Favorite sport that you play? Pick 1-3 *
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