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LBT Education Daze
We are looking for haircut and color models to help teach emerging hairstylists our craft! The services provided on our Education Daze will be heavily discounted as follows: Haircuts & Blowdry styles $15 Color: $35+ chem fee.


Mondays 9am | 11am | 1pm | haircut or color

Some things to keep in mind: These services are for educational purposes. In most cases the service will be provided by a stylist in training. However, you will always be under the careful care of an LBT Lead Stylist. If you are looking for a specific look or style please be clear about that in your submission. Be prepared to spend at least 2 hours with us for haircuts and all color services are by consultation. Once you submit this form we will contact you to set up a time and date as well as get more details about your hair.

We can’t wait to share this journey with you and as always thank you for your continued support!

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