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Test di inserimento - Lingua inglese
Svolgere il test senza utilizzare il vocabolario. Per ciascuna domanda c’è una sola risposta corretta.

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Cognome e nome *
0 points
Impiegato presso (indichi il nome dell'Azienda presso la quale lavora) *
Numero/i di telefono di riferimento *
____________ hotel. *
2 points
Whose book ____________ ? *
2 points
What's ____________ time? *
2 points
Her birthday is ____________ Monday? *
2 points
It’s my parents ____________ present. *
2 points
Our lesson is ____________ three o'clock. *
2 points
How ____________ you do? *
2 points
I've got a room ____________ four nights. *
2 points
This flight is from London ____________ Paris. *
2 points
This is ____________ apple. *
2 points
There are some ____________ in the room. *
2 points
There are no ____________ in the sky. *
2 points
____________ you work in an office? *
2 points
There are three ____________ on the table. *
2 points
Can she ____________ a coffee at ten? *
2 points
There aren’t ____________ apples in the kitchen. *
2 points
Is there ____________ lager. *
2 points
What ____________ now? *
2 points
Do you read ____________ books? *
2 points
She ____________ to work every day. *
2 points
____________ men in the street. *
2 points
She ____________ stop. *
2 points
Mary: Thank you / John: No ____________ at all. *
2 points
I want ____________ drink a coffee. *
2 points
Can you tell me ____________ there? *
2 points
Tell ____________ to come. *
2 points
You ____________ smoke. *
2 points
Have you got any ____________ ? *
2 points
They ____________ to London. *
2 points
____________ be silly! *
2 points
____________ I answer the phone? *
2 points
I like ____________ tennis. *
2 points
If you phone me, I ____________ tell you. *
2 points
Whose book is that? It’s ____________. *
2 points
You will help me, ____________? *
2 points
It's ____________ behind you. *
2 points
I don’t mind ____________ there. *
2 points
____________ is dangerous. *
2 points
She's ____________ tomorrow. *
2 points
____________ she is playing tennis, she prefers jogging. *
2 points
When he got home, they ____________ to the cinema. *
2 points
He ____________ a photo. *
2 points
He ____________ to the office yesterday. *
2 points
When I was ten, I ____________ play with them. *
2 points
She ____________ a stout every morning. *
2 points
Don’t hurry. ____________ easy! *
2 points
My hair ____________ black. *
2 points
When I was twenty, I ____________ salesman. *
2 points
I ____________ milk for breakfast yesterday. *
2 points
____________ waiting for her because she isn’t in London. *
2 points
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