Questionnaire for TacRead - A Low-Cost Refreshable Braille Display
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TacRead is an affordable electronic system for refreshable display of braille characters. It is a collection of cells which can be connected to a computer, mobile phone or any other electronic device, and can give a line-by-line real-time braille output of upto 40 characters. This is done through the dynamic movement of individual pins that represent each character in braille, much like braille on paper. As it provides a non-audio, touch-only output, it can be used in day to day life in a seamless way thereby providing a less intrusive experience. A 40-cell display is available at around Rs 1,60,000 in the developed countries like USA and UK.

A touch output allows for a more user-friendly learning experience in mathematics and science subjects, where an audio output may be hard to follow and it enables a better learning of the nuances of written language. Besides, the device greatly reduces the need for braille books, that are expensive to publish and are limited in availability.
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1. Full Name *
2. Age *
3. Gender *
4. Email Id *
5. Contact Number
6. Extent Of Blindness *
7. Number of Years of Visual Impairment *
8. Qualification *
9. Profession *
10. Level of Proficiency in reading Braille *
11. Do you think a better hands on knowledge of braille would have enabled you perform better at subjects like Maths, Science or learning the nuances of written Hindi and English ? *
12. Do you think a better hands on knowledge of braille would have enabled you in being more productive at your work place ? *
13. Do you think your dependence on screen reading software has adversely impacted your skills in Braille ? *
14. Have you used a Refreshable Braille Display before ? *
15. If you haven't used a refreshable Braille Dispay, why do you think you haven't ? (Tick all that apply) *
16. Do you feel the need to access digital media via touch as described at the top? *
17. In your opinion, what is the most useful form of accessing digital media? *
18. Do you think that Educational and occupational practices are limited due to current dependency on audio and speech-based devices ? *
19. Given that similar devices in the market cost around Rs 80000, what is the maximum amount you would be willing to pay for a 12 character braille display that can get attached to your mobile phones, computer and laptop as described at the top (in Rupees) ? *
20. Given that similar devices in the market cost around Rs 160000, what is the maximum amount you would be willing to pay for a 40 character braille display that can get attached to your mobile phones, computer and laptop as described at the top (in Rupees) ? *
21. Feel free to write any suggestions or queries here
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