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1. After filling this form, you will receive a registration confirmation email from the Class Management Department of High5 Hanoi. It means your inquiry for a Vietnamese class has been on the list.

2. A tutor of High5 Hanoi will take your class based on the suitability of location, language level, common interest, etc.

3. You will receive a class confirmation email from your tutor. If you don't reply to the email within 5 days, your registration will be canceled.

4. You and your tutor are recommended to meet and study at a coffee shop as it is convenient for both of you. Kindly pay for the drinks of the tutor and yourself.

5. If the class is held online, your tutor will give you more information regarding your virtual classroom.

6. After the first meeting, you are expected to give the tutor 500,000 VNĐ as your contribution to the development of High5 Hanoi (kindly note that no other amount of money is required by High5 Hanoi during the whole course). As for printing handouts or buying supplementary materials, talk with your tutor for any recommendations and suggestions. 

7. If something unexpected happens and the learner has to cancel one lesson, he/she should inform the tutor at least 3 hours before the class.

8. Should learners have any problems or concerns related to the lessons or his/her tutor, please email the Class Management Department of High5 Hanoi at

Thank you for your interest!
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