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Welcome to D80 - 2018!
Please fill out the requested information below to attend the D80 Conference and to register to make a presentation. Anyone who is attending the conference, but not presenting or facilitating a workshop, can skip the questions regarding the presentation description. If you are a team member, all members of your team should register individually. Only one member needs to register the presentation.  
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Your daytime gig *
Organization/Program you are representing *
My organization/program would like to host an informational table at the conference.
You are welcome to fundraise at the conference, but the sale of food has not been approved.
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Name of organization requesting table, if not listed above.
Attending Lunch *
Dietary Preference or Food Allergies
Presentation Description
Descriptive Presentation Title
Please provide a descriptive presentation title. This year, we will be offering presentations in the "world cafe" model.  Presenting teams and individuals will be given approximately 5 minutes for their presentations.  We will provide a format for you to follow for this shorter presentation. Following each set of presentations, presenters will be seated at tables and participants will have the opportunity to rotate around the room for deeper discussion about your project and experience.
Presentation abstract
Please provide a brief description of your presentation in 150 words or less.
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