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2024-25 Intent Card (Digital Version)
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Names *
email address *
preferred phone
Format xxx-xxx-xxx or (xxx)xxx-xxxx
THANK YOU for your dedicated membership and generous support as a steward of our ministry! This church would not exist without your time, talent and treasure.  Please prayerfully consider your 2024-2025 gift to support expanding our ministry and outreach. As a reminder, the church fiscal year will be July 2024 - June 2025.
Will you enroll in auto-recurring giving to assist our church leaders in financial planning? The auto-recurring methods are secure and highly encouraged.
2.  enroll by clicking "Give" on the church website, mobile app, Weekly Window communication, or mobile kiosk in the Narthex
once for the year
other/will vary
I/we plan to give...
I/we plan to give this much...
Tip: For weekly/monthly givers, you can fill in the amount per week/month. Others please give annual amount.
I/We confirm the above is consistent with my/our intentions for 2024-25. *
Thank you for your support!  If you have any questions or concerns, please share them below (optional).
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