Team RMHC Columbus Marathon/Half Marathon & New Albany Walking Classic Registration
Thank you for your interest in running with Team RMHC. Each step you take will help support families of seriously-ill children staying at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio. You are about to make an impact on your community while benefiting your own personal health! Please fill out the form below and you'll be on your way to fundraising and training with Team RMHC!

Columbus Marathon/Half Marathon: Sunday, October 16th, 2016, 7:30am
New Albany Walking Classic: Sunday, September 11th, 2016, 8am
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Personal Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address 2:
Email address: *
Cell Phone: *
Sex: *
Age: *
Race Day Shirt Size *
Emergency Contact Information
Please list a contact who WILL NOT be running with you during trainings and/or the race.
Contact Name *
Contact Relation *
Mother, Father, Aunt, Uncle, Sister, Brother, Friend, etc.
Contact Phone Number *
I plan to: *
I would describe my fitness level as: *
Is this your first 1/2 Marathon or Marathon? *
Fundraising Information
What is your anticipated donation to the Ronald McDonald House through Team RMHC?
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Do you understand that you are responsible for raising $250 through your Team RMHC membership?
This includes setting up a fundraising page through fRUNdraise
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Medical Background
Are you currently under the care of a physician? *
If yes, please explain:
Please list any medication you are currently taking and your reason for taking them:
Have you had a complete physical in the past year?
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Do you have any allergies? *
If yes, please explain:
Please check the box next to the questions you'd answer yes to: *
Please explain any answers you marked with a yes. Additionally, if you have any conditions that you or your doctor believes may limit your physical activity, please explain.
List any current and past injuries/conditions that have limited your physical activity *
Please list the injury/condition along with the date it occurred.
Do you have any questions or comments about joining Team RMHC?
How did you hear about Team RMHC?
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Signature *
Liability Waiver and Release
I hereby acknowledge that I must be in good health to participate in Team RMHC for which I am registering and I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have prepared for such race and that I have not been advised against participation in such activity by a qualified health care professional. It is strongly recommended that I consult with my physician prior to engaging in this training program. I hereby for myself, heirs, executors, administrators, estate, and assigns, hereby waive, release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Fleet Feet Sports, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio, and all volunteers and staff members for any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, liabilities, judgments, and expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising directly or indirectly out of my participation in this program.

I grant permission for the use of my name and/or likeness relating to my training through Fleet Feet Sports/MIT and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio and I WAIVE all rights to any future compensation to which I may otherwise be entitled as a result of the use of my name or likeness. I also understand that training plans are non-refundable.


Date: *
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