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FAQ & General Info
What is the price?

Half Body
$60USD Linework, $70USD Flat Color, $80USD Cell Shade, $100USD Cell Render
Full Body
$80USD Linework, $90USD Flat Color, $100USD Cell Shade, $120USD Cell Render.

Will the price change?

Yes the price may change if your request includes any of these as they may incur a fee. You will be notified in your official quote beforehand so there will be no confusion. Extra Characters, Large or Complex Wings, Alternate views or versions including outfits, cum alts, size growth and transformations, multiple limbs, close ups, internal views, and impreg bubbles. There may be others but these are most common.

How does it work?
You will fill out this form, an invoice will be sent to the email provided, once paid you will receive your work in 2-4 weeks!

Will & Won't Draw + T.O.S.

All orders are still subject to my Terms Of Service and my Rules regarding content I draw.
You can find my T.O.S here:
You can find my Will & Won't Draw here:
Username  & Website *
Please list both so that I can know where to credit you. 
PayPal E-mail *
This will be used to invoice you for payment once the order is fully confirmed.
Would you like half or full body? *
Examples show what you can expect for half and full body options.
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