Iran Nuclear Deal Current Events
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Getting the Facts
Answer the following questions while reading the article. These questions are not necessarily in any specific order, additional details may be found throughout. That said, consider reading them all in advance and addressing them as new, relevant information arises in the article.
What are the US objectives (what they want to achieve) in this negotiation with Iran? *
Who are the critics of Obama's plan, and what is the basis for their criticism? *
Define the word "sanctions." Look it up if you have to. *
What are the terms of the preliminary deal? *
Why are Israelis particular threatened by Iran? *
What are some potential weaknesses of this deal? Who do they favor? *
Understanding the Deal: "A Simple Guide to the Nuclear Negotiations with Iran."
Read the pop-up graphic and answer the next three questions.
Why is the West skeptical that Iran is looking to build a bomb and not simply use nuclear energy? *
Why will this deal be hard to execute on the part of the inspecting countries? *
If you were a critic of this deal, what details would you point to to suggest the US failed in the negotiations? *
Drawing Conclusions
When asked about a potential Obama Doctrine, a stated principle of beliefs and/or policy, the President responded, "The doctrine is we will engage, but we preserve all our capabilities. And I’ve been very clear that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on my watch, and I think they should understand that we mean it." Answer the following questions regarding this statement.
Do you agree with the underlying assumptions of this statement, which suggests that the US has the responsibility to police the world and prevent a potentially hostile nation from getting nuclear access? Explain your answer. *
Ultimately, in your view, who should bear this responsibility? Explain your answer. *
Do you think more powerful nations or international coalitions should have the right to intervene in the affairs of other nations, like Iran? Why or why not? *
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