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Immerse Scholarship Application
Please use this form to explain why you would be a good candidate for a partial scholarship to the Immerse Discipleship program. CotH staff will use your answers to determine whether you qualify for financial assistance through our nonprofit camp.
You MUST complete and submit an "Immerse Track 5 Application" in order for your "Immerse Scholarship Application" to be reviewed.
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* Indicates required question
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Full Legal Name
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Please explain why you are seeking a partial scholarship (needs, circumstances, etc.)
Your answer
What does this opportunity mean to you, and what do you hope to gain or develop through this experience in the Immerse Program?
Your answer should be between 350-700 words and be written in a thorough, clear, and concise manner.
Your answer
Please provide the name and email address of someone who would be willing to write a personal recommendation letter regarding your need for this partial scholarship for you.
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