NYSMEA 2016 Workshop Presentation Proposals
Thank you for proposing a workshop for the 37th Annual NYSMEA Conference, "Island Voices: Promoting Best Practices for Coastal Conservation and Resilience" to be held on Saturday, October 1, at SUNY Stony Brook Southampton in Southampton, NY

The workshop application deadline is August 15, 2016.  Presenters will be notified by August 25th.

**PLEASE NOTE** - All presenters must register for the conference, although they receive $25 off the regular registration fee.
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First Name *
Email Address *
Street Address *
City *
State *
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Cell Phone Number *
Work Affiliation/Title *
Short Description of Your Proposed 45 minute Workshop *
Please enter it as you would like it written in the conference program.
Check all that apply
Type of Activity
Do you need a sink for your workshop?
Please list any needed equipment *
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