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Puppy Application
Pipe Creek Paws Puppy Application
Before filling out our application, please be aware that our puppies cost is $2,800-$3,000 and are sold as pet only. You must be able to take your puppy home on their go home dates. Please message me on Facebook messenger after submitting this form for a quicker response. 
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Your full name *
Address *
Email *
Phone Number *
How did you hear about us? *
Preferred method of contact *
What sex and color are your preferences? *
Will this be your first time owning a dog? *
If you have owned or do own a dog, what do you like or dislike about them? *
What activities will you and your new pet be involved in? *
Tell us a little about yourself- occupation, family, hobbies, other pets, etc. *
Do you own your home or rent? *
Does your home have a yard? Is it fenced? *
How many hours a day will your pet be lone on a typical day? *
Are you a breeder or plan on breeding? *
Having a dog is a big responsibility, are you up for the challenge and are you committed to training it properly? *
Do you have any questions for us or anything else you would like to discuss? *
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