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Student’s Feedback Form
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Name of the Teacher (kindly write the name for each Teacher of that semester and give feedback) :                           *
Department *
Subject :                             *
Academic Year:   *
 Semester: *
Assess your teacher based on the following parameters: Excellent =5        Good=4           Average=3              Below Average=2                 Poor=1
Below Average
Staff member is punctual and cordial
Creates proper classroom atmosphere conducive for learning
Classes are interesting and engaging
Explains concepts clearly and has command over subject matter
Discussion in the class relevant to the subject
Spends sufficient time in covering each part of the syllabus
Communicates effectively & Provides motivation
Approachable for any help or clarification in times of difficulty
Uses teaching aids (audio visual aids, case analysis, Quiz, GDs, practical assignments etc.) other than lecture sessions for better understanding of subject
Provides required guidance , study material and references
Organizes assignments, class test& presentations systematically
Overall performance rating
Suggestions for improvement:
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