#NoGroundToLose: Action Pledge
This is a pledge to take action by April 8 - a Day of Action for #NoGroundToLose,  

In February, we declared our intention to escalate our campaigns for a real food system. Through an unprecedented month of rallies, delegations, marches, and letter-drops (and vegetable-drops, valentine-drops, and biscuit-drops) we demonstrated our stake in a just, sustainable food system: there is no ground to lose for family farmers, food chain workers, fishermen. There is no ground to lose in the fight for a real food future for us all.

Now, we are pledging to take action ourselves, and to invite our friends, allies, and community to join us. We are pledging to build the movement. We pledge to take action until our university admin take action to commit to real food. We call on our campus leadership to do the right thing for our communities, our future, and ourselves: commit to real food.

We want to hear from university administration by April 8 - a Day of Action for #NoGroundToLose.
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