Parent Night Reflection and Evaluation
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First and Last Name *
Were you able to attend Parent Night? *
What skills do you think you improved upon during the planning for Parent Night and actual Parent Night? *
Check all that apply:
What skills do you wish you had improved upon more during the planning for Parent Night and actual Parent Night? *
Check all that apply:
From your perspective, did everyone in your group do an equal share of high quality work? If not, who did less than others? *
What was your favorite part of actual Parent Night? Why?
Choose something other than food.
What suggestions do you have for improving how Parent Night went? *
What have you heard parents say about Parent Night? What have you heard little siblings say? *
What committee were you in? *
Did you understand your tasks and goals for your committee? Why or why not? *
Did your committee have clear tasks that took all 4 of the planning days? *
What did your committee do well? *
What could be done to improve the different committees? *
If you could make up a new committee, what would it be and what would they do? *
Overall, what aspects of planning and delivering Parent Night made this event meaningful and interesting for you? *
If you ever felt like planning and delivering Parent Night was a waste of time, why did you feel that way AND, what could we improve? *
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