When have you felt most safe ?
When and where have you felt most safe' ?
What does 'feeling safe' , feel like?
When you feel afraid, threatened, or unsafe, what are the contributing factors or resources that make you feel safe?

Your collective , intimate memories and associations will allow insight on safety.

The conversation isn't new. Your perspective could be.
This could be a way forward. Let's find out!

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Thank you.
Blank Noise Team

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Sit back a minute. Think about your everyday, conscious and unconscious decisions towards feeling safe. What do you notice? *
Which daily decisions are centred around feeling safe?
When have you felt most safe ? *
Please be as descriptive as you can. You If specific to a person, you can mention where, with whom and how it felt to feel truly safe.
Where have you felt most safe?
describe the space. internet? home? bus?
What does SAFE feel like?
eg: calming. connected.
When you feel afraid, threatened, or unsafe, what are the contributing factors or resources that make you feel safe?
eg: an affirmative song, smiling , OR a 'death stare'?
How does an entire society, community feel safe?   *
There is no right or wrong.
Have you ever made someone else feel safe?
If yes, please describe how. Could be a person unknown or know to you.
To be told 'be careful' is followed by , "maybe you weren't being careful enough" , and that " you 'asked for it". What would you like to hear instead?
No Excuse For Sexual Violence. #INeverAskForIt
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