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DP ACC "Usred ravnice 2021" - Veliki Radinci
Glavni termin: 17-18 April, 2021
Lokacija: Aerodrom Veliki Radinci
Kontakt: 063 81 35 872 ili
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Ime (name) *
Pol (gender) *
Datum rođenja (date of birth) *
Broj takmičarske dozvole (sporting licence number) *
Proizvođač paraglajdera (Manufacturer of your paraglider) *
Model paraglajdera (Model of your paraglider) *
Klub (only for Serbian pilots)
Osoba za kontakt (contact person) *
Adresa (address) *
Telefon (telephone) *
Email *
POSEDUJE okidač za vuču na vitlu? (has tow bridle?) *
Ko ne poseduje, može kupiti ili iznajmiti za 30€, OBAVEZAN JE! (if you don't have - you can rent or buy for 30€ - IT'S A MUST!)
Veličina majice (T-shirt size) *
Posebna ishrana (dietary restrictions) *
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