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Welcome to the Nomadico Coliving Partner Application
Do you want to join the remote work trend and host digital nomads, particularly in the lower seasons? Are you interested in learning more about what it means to be a coliving partner of Nomadico? Apply below and we will get back to you as soon as we review your application!
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What is your name?
Please share your email below so we can get in touch. *
What's the name of your business, organization or coliving?
(If applicable)
Where is it located (town/city & country)?
Do you have a website, listing or IG?
How many rooms does your place have?
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Do you have a shared kitchen for everyone to use?
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Tell us a bit more about the common spaces, do you have a lot of space for guests to come together?
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We'd love to learn more about you too! What is your reason for applying and why join the coliving movement? Any reason for your interest in Nomadico perhaps? 
How did you find out about Nomadico?
Any last comments?
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