Building Self-Compassion in Children Seminar RSVP
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
OHE Cafeteria

Building Self-Compassion in Children

Is raising children's self-esteem what it is cracked up to be?

For most of us, we have heard about the importance of self-esteem for so long now that we do not even question it. However, the research doesn't support that raising children's self-esteem is beneficial.

In contrast, self-compassion, which is being kind to oneself, is being shown to be an effective way to help children (and adults!) be happier and successful in life.

Dr. Mike Brooks will present on the topic of "Building Self-Compassion in Children" in the hopes that you and your children will benefit from developing this powerful skill.

About Dr. Mike Brooks:
Dr. Mike Brooks is a Licensed Psychologist and the Director of the ApaCenter (Austin Psychology & Assessment Center) and Executive Director of Austin ABA Connect. He has a wealth of expertise in positive psychology, the needs of children and teens, effective parenting practices, and technology and gaming addiction. He hopes that you will join him for this informative, useful, and engaging topic!

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