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Widening the Lens - 2022 Participant Survey
Thank you so much for joining this year's Widening the Lens conference! Please indicate how meaningful the different components of the conference were to you by completing this brief survey.
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Please indicate your role at Widening the Lens: *
Please share your impression of the Keynote Conversation. *
Not at all meaningful
Very meaningful
Please share your impression of the morning Constituent Breakout Group discussion. *
Not at all meaningful
Very meaningful
Please share your impression of the Student Presentation. *
Not at all meaningful
Very meaningful
How effective was the overall conference format? *
Not at all effective
Very effective
Do you feel confident that your school will follow through with your action items? *
Not at all confident
Very confident
How helpful was the Facilitation in the morning session? *
Not at all helpful
Very helpful
How relevant was the conference topic: Defining, Designing and Delivering Equity in Independent Schools? *
Not relevant
Very relevant
Please share and additional comments and feedback on your overall experience: *
May we quote you? *
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