Winter Quilt Quote Form
Featuring a tough 1000 Denier Cordura Nylon outer shell, this classic winter quilt blanket is constructed with Dacron fill for warmth and a full taffeta lining. Features: beaver fur at the withers, two high bias surcingles, detachable elastic leg straps and a detachable flat tail loop. Front closure is two double reinforced polypropylene straps, with two stainless steel buckles.
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Special Instructions:
Standard features include: Full Taffeta Lining, Fitted Back Strap, Faux Beaver on withers. Two Front Chrome Buckle
Closures and Nylon Straps, Adjustable Detachable Leg Straps with D Rings Brass Surcingles. Equitex will use the best
judgment to match surcingle buckle straps to trim. If you would like to change the color please contact your Equitex
sales representative.
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