Phlight Club Evaluation - How Are We Doing?
The International Institute for Student Support partners with local organizations to receive federal, state, and other funding to provide this youth leadership training. In order to continuously improve our work, we’d like to get feedback from you on the program.  We don’t grade this survey.  

We are looking for your honest answers, so that we can improve.  Please answer honestly.  Your responses are private; you will remain anonymous.  Please read each statement and check the box that best describes your feeling.
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I worked hard and contributed to group effort during Phlight Club. *
I am able to be myself at Phlight Club. *
I will come to the next Phlight Club, if possible. *
I would recommend Phlight Club to other students -- from inside the school district and the rest of the state. *
The event leaders were good teachers and leaders. *
In Phlight Club, I learned some things that could help me be a better student leader. *
Phlight Club teaches students how to build a web of support for themselves. *
Phlight Club teaches students things that will support them in high school and after graduation. *
The handouts and activities looked good and are useful. *
The local facility and staff did a good job of hosting a Phlight Club. *
The Phlight Club food was good enough. *
Most of the students now have a rough draft of their Personal Statements of Purpose. *
Most of the students now have a beginning list of personal dreams and goals. *
Some students became better connected to adults, because of Phlight Club. *
I wish classroom learning could be as active and fun as Phlight Club. *
Phlight Club taught things that could make some teens better students in school. *
Phlight Club taught things that could support some students avoid harmful behaviors. *
The Phlight Log booklet and other materials provided value.
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I wish more students would participate in Phlight Club. *
My favorite part of Phlight Club was:
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Comments or Suggestions?
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