Country Notes feedback form
Please use this form to share your thoughts about initial drafts of the country notes.

The intention of the notes library is to educate and create community among CFAF patrons.

Therefore, please be mindful of the challenges of the authors to create accessible reading to a broad group without political/ cultural bias.

Also, it is helpful for reviewers to be mindful of the hard work that writers are putting into these notes, and suggesting important edits should be done with kindness and honesty.
Person completing this form: *
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Which country notes are you reviewing? *
Please share a few things that you enjoyed about these notes. This may also be something you learned that you didn't know before reading.
Your answer
Do you notice any sentences or statements that you believe to be politically biased or culturally charged? If so, please paste them below.
Your answer
Please share any additional suggestions for edits. This may be done in lists, bullet points, or selecting sections that thematically may need adjustments.
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Do you have anything else you would like to add?
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