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I would like to Volunteer for WID in 2020-2021
As a volunteer organization, Women In Development, New York relies on the generosity of our members to enable our programs to thrive. To volunteer, please fill out this form. We will contact you in the weeks ahead about opportunities.
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I am interested in serving on a committee!
Please check the committees of interest below. please note, committee service entails participation in regular meetings, as well as projects in between meetings.

 Descriptions of each committee can be found below:

Communications Committee:
Oversee all Women in Development communications such as the website, eNews, and social media. Create email correspondence to members, such as WiD event invitations and programming communications. Social media expertise, strong writing skills, and excellent communication skills are preferred. 3-5 hours is the average monthly time commitment.

Membership Committee:
The Membership Committee strives to achieve two goals: to recruit and retain WiD members and to enhance the value of WiD membership. The Membership Committee assures that there is a variety of program offerings to address the interest of our diverse membership. We are looking for friendly, outgoing committee members who are willing to connect to WiD members at each program to welcome them and serve as a resource. We would also like to personally reach out to those whose membership is about to lapse. Volunteers are expected to attend as many of WiD’s programs and events as possible and to devote 1 – 3 hours per month.

Luncheons Committee:
Plan and manage the four annual luncheon series including recruitment and coordination of speakers and tactics for promotion and execution. Strong skills in project management and event planning, as well as a vast fundraising leadership network, are preferred. Two hours is the average monthly time commitment.

Special Programs Committee:
Provide meaningful programs to mid-level professionals. Strong skills in project management, cold call solicitation, and event planning are required. 2-4 hours is the average monthly time commitment.

Woman of Achievement Committee:
Coordinate the annual Women of Achievement luncheon, which recognizes a woman who has contributed greatly to the field of development. This is the signature annual event of WiD. Seasoned fundraisers who excel in project management, writing, and communication skills are preferred. 5 hours or more is the required monthly time commitment.
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I am interested in one-off volunteer opportunities!
One-time volunteer opportunities include special events (such as a coaching open house), the Welcome Project (a corps of greeters at WID events) and individual coaching/mentoring.
Please add me to the list of volunteers available for one-off opportunities!
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