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In the NEWS
Hello Narrative Medicine Community! If you would like to share news you are celebrating (publication, presentation, award, media, etc.) with our narrative medicine faculty, alumnx, and students, please complete this Google Form. If you have several news items to share, please complete a separate submission for each item to ensure we have the needed supporting information and for our archive records. If you have any questions while completing this form, please contact our Project Assistant, Kristen Magnatta
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First Name  *
Last Name *
Pronouns *
Contact Email *
Affiliation (please check all that apply) *
Alumnx year
What news are you celebrating? *
Please provide the title of the news you are celebrating. *
Please provide the hosting organization of the news you are sharing (e.g., publishing company, journal, magazine, podcast name, award sponsor).
Please provide the date of the news you are celebrating. *
Please provide a link(s) to access the news you would like to share with our NM community. *
If the news item you are sharing does not have a direct link, do we have permission to include your email address in the announcement for those interested in your news item(s) to contact you directly for a copy?
If yes, please write the email address you would like us to include here:
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