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Returning Student Appeal for Membership Eligibility
To receive and accept any bid/invitation to affiliate with/join/become a member of (via any new member, pledge, intake, orientation process/program) a social sorority or fraternity.
Email *
Today's Date *
Full Name *
G-Number *
Please provide your full G-Number, beginning with "G00".
Class Year *
Reason for Appeal *
Explain in your own words why you are appealing: *
Cumulative GPA at Geneseo *
Last Semester's GPA at Geneseo *
Cumulative credit hours earned at Geneseo *
Total POST-high school credits: *
Major, minor, and/or area of study at Geneseo. *
Residential status at SUNY Geneseo? *
On-campus or off-campus, with roommate(s) or alone, etc.
Why are you interested in joining a social fraternity or sorority at SUNY Geneseo? *
Signature *
Please sign your full name, understanding that this electronic signature is being used in place of, and therefore represents, a hand-penned signature.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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