Breakfast with the Chancellor
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The Breakfast with the Chancellor program is a unique opportunity for staff to meet with Interim Chancellor Hexter and discuss topics that impact staff. Through this program we invite staff to share ideas on how to improve processes, increase revenue, implement solutions to challenges experienced by staff, and more.

The Breakfast with the Chancellor meetings are held monthly, from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. at a selected venue. The specific date for each event will be announced to selected participants as soon as it’s confirmed on the Chancellor’s calendar. This is typically seven business days before the event. Staff Assembly will work closely with each participant to ensure they are able to attend a breakfast on a date that accommodates their schedule.
Applicant Information
First name *
Last name *
Title *
Classification *
Department *
Email address *
Phone number *
# years of service *
# years in current position *
Applicant Certification
I attest that I meet all eligibility requirements to participate in the Breakfast with the Chancellor program and that the information provided above is true and accurate. If selected, I will be able to take full advantage of the opportunity offered and represent staff, my department, and myself in a professional manner.
Please enter your initials to certify your eligibility. *
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