Family Reunion 2016 Trivia
Getting better acquainted with Grandpa Monte Smith Packer
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What is Grandpa Packer's Birthdate
Where was Grandpa Packer born?
What were the names of his parents?
Grandpa’s ancestors were from
FYI:  As a baby, Grandpa was placed in the shade of a bush while the family worked in the field. As the sun moved so did the shade, and Monte ended up suffering a sunstroke. This affected his health for a long time.
As a young boy, Grandpa accidentally burned the barn down and several horses and mules died.
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Monte had nine sisters and two brothers, what were his brother’s names?
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In the mid-1930’s, the family home burned down. Was Monte responsible for this?
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FYI: One of Monte’s sisters had Down Syndrome. Her name was Elda Clo. She passed away at the age of 13. Monte’s younger brother died at the age of 14 while on a family hunting trip. He accidentally shot himself. Monte was with him at the time.
Monte married Virginia May __________ on June 27, 1941.
Where in Preston, ID did Monte and Ginny meet?
Monte and Ginny both served time in jail.
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During World War II, did Monte serve in the South Pacific or in Europe?
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Monte’s occupation(s) was/were:
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As an adult, what position did Monte play on Riverdale’s baseball team?
What significant event(s) happened in 1948?
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How many children were Monte and Ginny blessed with?
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Can you name their children?
How was the name Launa Lee chosen?
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