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Military Spouse Mental Health Clinicians
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Please describe your family's military service
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Please choose the option that best describes your current status.
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Licensed Professional Counselors
Have you had any difficulty applying for jobs as an LPC where the employer preferred LCSW, LMFT, or another license?
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Do you feel limited by your opportunities to work with military families based on your license as an LPC.
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Student Interruption in Education
(Current Student) Has military related relocation ever interrupted education towards your career?
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(Current Student) If yes, have you been able to finish your education regardless of the interruption?
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(Current Student) Have interruptions in your education, or the possibility of one,  ever caused you to consider quitting this career track?
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(Current Student) Are you concerned about your ability to go into the mental health career field as a military spouse?
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(Current Student) What would make it easier for you to continue a career as a military spouse clinician?
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(Current Student) Anything else you'd like to add?
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Interruption in Education
Has military related relocation ever interrupted your EDUCATION towards your career?
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Were you able to finish your education regardless of the interruption?
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Have military related interruptions in your education ever caused you to consider quitting this career track?
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State Licensure Requirements
How many state licenses do you currently hold?
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Please CHOOSE the state(s) you are licensed in (or working toward).
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If you hold multiple state licenses, was this decision influenced by military related relocation?  (Example: you transferred a license in order to work in a new location)
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Have military related relocations ever interrupted your efforts towards meeting licensure requirements for a particular state?
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If yes, how did you respond to this interruption?
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Have military lifestyle interruptions in your career ever caused you to consider quitting this career track?
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How many months TOTAL do you think you have lost income, the opportunity to work due to applying for a new state, or working towards new requirements?
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Have you transferred or added another state license due to a military relocation?
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Have you had any issues with state boards not accepting your application due to the new CACREP educational standard?
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Have you had any issues with state boards not accepting your application due to differing standards for supervision or experience?
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If you transferred or applied to a state for licensure since 2015, did that state offer to expedite your application as a military spouse?
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If you transferred or applied to a state for licensure since 2015, did you try applying for the state's temporary license?
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Were you able to use this license in a timely fashion that resulted in career advancement? (obtained employment, saw clients, etc.)
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Have any military lifestyle interruptions tempted you to end your career in the mental health field?
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How much would a national standard or license encourage you in your military spouse career?
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Your Career
Have you ever felt you had to choose between your career or following your spouse to a new assignment OR experienced giving up employment opportunities to move with your family?
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Have you and your spouse ever chosen to live separately in order for you to continue working in a state you are/were licensed in?
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Are you currently working in the mental health field you went to school for?
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Your Career
Are your reasons for not working in this field due to any of the following obstacles and/or challenges of being a military spouse clinician?
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Your Career
Which of the following describes your current career?
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Which of the following obstacles and/or challenges impacted your ability to be a military spouse clinician?
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How many months TOTAL have you experienced work gaps in your career due to relocations or other military lifestyle challenges?
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Are you currently providing or considering providing telemental health as an option to make your career more portable?
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If you had the training to provide telemental health and were able to ethically provide it to clients in a state that you were licensed in (regardless of your location), would this be a benefit to your career as a military spouse?
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If insurance companies were willing to reimburse for telemental health in states you are licensed in, would that encourage or benefit your career?
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Have you had any issues being approved as an insurance provider because you are a military spouse? (i.e. work gaps, education, physical location vs. license location)
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What would make it easier for you to continue a career as a military spouse clinician?
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Anything else you'd like to add?
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