Please complete this form for each individual test.  Put data in the "Constant Length / Variable Time" OR the "Constant Mass/Variable Length" category as appropriate. Click "submit" after each entry.
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Please enter initials of team members, separated by commas. Use all capitals: ( eg ES,AJ, MR,TD)
Constant Length, Variable Mass
Keep the length constant at 0.50m.  Vary the mass from one to five washers.  Record the mass of the system (washer+paper clip) in kilograms.
Mass (kg)
Enter the length in meters (Not centimeters!  we are entering data in MKS).  Do not enter units. For example, 0.25, not 0.25m
Period (s)
Please enter the period of the pendulum in seconds.  Enter the value for a single period (complete swing). To determine the period, divide the total time measured by the number of periods measured. Do not enter units.  For example, 1.08, not 1.08s
Constant Mass, Variable Length
Length (m)
Enter the length in meters (Not centimeters!  we are entering data in MKS).  Do not enter units. For example, 0.25, not 0.25m
Period (s)
Please enter the period of the pendulum in seconds. Enter the value for a single period (complete swing). To determine the period, divide the total time measured by the number of periods measured. Do not enter units.  for example, 1.03, not 1.03s
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