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APR Foster Application
This application does not approve you as a foster for APR.  Once submitting this application, it will be reviewed by APR.  If you pass the screening process, then you will be contacted by an APR representative for an interview.  If the interview is successful, then you will will have a home visit (either in person or virtual depending on location).  You will be notified by APR within 7 business days of your home visit if you have been approved.

All foster families must agree to the terms set forth in the Foster Manual.  

A signed agreement must be returned before your final approval (sent separately).

All fosters must also complete the Volunteer Application, the Transport Application, and the Transport Contract (sent separately).

Foster homes must meet the following requirements:
- own or have landlord approval (in writing)
- vetting:  all furkids must be altered, up-to-date on wellness exams, up-to-date on vaccinations (or titer - rabies and distemper minimum), up-to-date on 4dx testing, and current on flea/tick and heartworm preventatives.  Why?  Because we want to make sure your furkids are protected and also healthy so you have time for the foster.

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Email *
Today's date *
Lead contact full name *
Best contact number *
House number, street name, city, state, zip *
How did you hear about APR? *
Why do you want to foster? *
List all other family members with gender and age (to determine animal compatibility) *
Do you... *
Do you live in a... *
Setting *
Do you have stairs?  If yes, state how many and in how many places that are accessible.  If no, enter N/A. *
Do you have a fenced yard? *
What type of fencing do you have? *
Do you have a swimming pool? *
If you do have a swimming pool, please check all that apply
Home's activity level *
Can you foster a...  *
Age can handle (check all that apply) *
Gender preference? *
Do they need to be housetrained? *
Do you crate your animals while away? *
Average daily hours away from the home *
Do you work from home? *
List incumbent living pet(s)'s name, breed, sex, age, and any special needs *
Are any of your incumbent pets on a strict schedule for feeding or medication delivery that could interfere with a new foster? *
What food(s) do you feed your pets? (include brand of kibble/wet) *
What meals do you feed? (check all that apply) *
Veterinary contact information - include name, address, and phone number (Please contact your vet in advance and give them permission to speak with APR) *
Approximately, how long have you been with your current vet?  If less than 1 year, then please explain. *
Will your vet provide discounted prices for 501(c)(3) rescues? *
What health needs can you handle? (check all that apply) *
What behavioral needs can you handle? (check all that apply) *
Who cares for your pet(s) when you are away from the home? (check all that apply) *
Please include all contact information for the options selected above. *
Please explain your pug experience.  *
Have you ever fostered for another organization? *
If you have fostered for another organization, then please provide detail below (organization name, contact person, number, etc.)
Have you ever ceased fostering for another organization or have been asked to stop?  If yes, then please explain and include active years/months.  N/A if not applicable. *
Reference #1 (include name, relationship, and best contact number) *
Is this a mobile number? *
Reference #2 (include name, relationship, and best contact number) *
Is this a mobile number?
Reference #3 (include name, relationship, and best contact number) *
Is this a mobile number?
I have fully read and agree to the foster manual (initial).  APR will email you a copy for your records. *
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