Tree Condition Update
    Hello Tree Recipient!  Thank you for assisting the Worcester Tree Initiative in our efforts to track the condition of the trees that we have given away in the past 5 years, and for improving our tree giveaway program.
   With the following questions you will be asked to identify yourself, identify your tree(s), and select a condition for each of them. This is followed by a few brief questions about receiving and planting the trees. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability and provide a best guess when you aren't sure.
   If trees were planted on multiple properties please fill out a survey for each property. Trees planted on city property by the City of Worcester or trees planted on your property by the Department of Conservation and Recreation should not be included in this survey. If you received more than 10 trees you will receive a call from a Worcester Tree Initiative representative but you may complete this survey for up to 10 trees. If you have any questions about the survey please feel free to call our office and ask for Derek, Jackson, or Pat at (508)-852-6400 Monday-Friday or send an email to If we are not immediately available, we will respond within 48 hours.

Thank you!
Your Friends at Worcester Tree Initiative
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