Düzenleme erişimi iste
Marketing Material Submissions & Requests
Please complete the fields below to have a review completed on your creative(s).  
Note: If all fields are not completed, your creative may not be reviewed.  
İlerleme durumunu kaydetmek için Google'da oturum açın Daha fazla bilgi
Name (First & Last) *
Email Address *
Company Name
Affiliate ID *
Rep Name *
Text Creatives, From/Subject Lines, Text creative for ad copy (email, display, onsite & contextual) *
Note: To ensure a timely approval, please ensure product and offer names match the creative. If requesting banners, please include preferred size(s).
Additional Creatives
Additional Creatives
Which offer will you be promoting with this marketing material? *
(List Offer Name and ID)
Are you responsible for the creation of this marketing material? *
Additional Info
Please note:
You are responsible for your marketing methods and creative materials. While Clickbooth reviews certain marketing materials in order to ensure compliance with the Compliance Guidelines as set out on the Clickbooth website, they are not reviewed for legal compliance, editorial content or approval.  If you have any questions concerning legal compliance, editorial content or approval, please seek appropriate professional legal assistance, as you assume all responsibility for such materials.
Formu temizle
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